7. 7. 2024


I Feel Bad About Not Feeling Bad About The Fact That I Dont Feel Bad For Most People

July 7th, 2024 at 9:20 PM CET

Empathy is difficult and very draining, am I a bad person for always putting myself first, idk idc. I try to help others how I can but I am never willing to sacrifice my life for someone else, I almost did so a few years ago and that would have killed both of us because said person was actually an alter of mine (which I didnt know back then) (also thats a long story most of which I will never share publicly) so now I am instead focusing on keeping myselves as happy as possible because the world is terrifying.

We have 14 months of freedom ahead of us so gonna enjoy that before even more responsibilities come, today was just a bad day, we arent gonna waste these 14 months, tomorrow will be better.

Its the 6th anniversary of me seeing Daisy from FurReal Friends without fur for the first time (another long story, this one I have and will share publicly XD), I miss when my only worry was how I thought that robot looked creepy, ironically without it I wouldnt even be here now. My childhood fears have turned into comforts both in a nostalgic sense but also bc its nice to for once have a silly unserious fear amongst the horrors of the real world.

Current mood: Tired u_u

Current music: KITCALIBER